13 Project Limited Run Figure. (prototype shown and subject to change)
Isrih Atah... Ex Degei Infantry who fought along side the Degei Vanguard, against the IDEX Troopers, during the Fall of the Last Great Government War at the beginning of the Synth Cull....
As with all Breathers she he a dislike for all non blood born, augmented and genetically altered lifeforms and rejects all synthetics as humanoids. His personal hatred for synthetics manifested when His Vanguard general, (Kephler) revealed herself to be a high level Synth and told him information about his sister that would rather have never known….
His calm deep set eyes and gentle manner are no indication ability in a fire fight. Quick reactions and reflexes make him an indisposable wingman in any situation, along with his in-depth known of military tactics. His devotion to his sister is a bond that can not be broken, even though he spends much of time restraining her by the scuff of her jacket, as she over reacts to another situation. Giving the two of them a balance that makes them a team that packs a punch worthy of fighting along side the Degei Vanguard..
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